An ode to 2020
It’s funny how the brain works. I couldn’t sleep the other night and randomly had these words going round in my head at 5am. So, I took out my phone and committed words to screen. So, here it is, my 5am ode to 2020.
Another year comes and goes and what comes next, nobody knows.
Anxiety, volatility, fear,
Then BoJo does the dirty on our Christmas cheer.
We’re tired; bored of being bounced from one rule to the next,
Trapped at the mercy of something we can’t see,
Simultaneously questioning the lives we want to live and who we want to be.
A disease that not only takes mercilessly but exacerbates our class divide,
Where the rich get richer and thrive and the poor struggle to survive.
Yet resilience, grit and love abound,
With so many positives in life still to be found.
So to us all, I say well fucking done,
And dear lord please let us soon have some fun.